Make & Mingle: Needlepoint Earrings

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Program Type:

Arts & Crafts
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Registration for this event is no longer open.
Allowed Ages: 10 to Over 18

Program Description

Event Details

Make & Mingle is a program designed as both a craft and social event. Bring a friend or family member to craft together. Don't have anyone to bring? You're still welcome to come, just know that the spirit of the program will encourage you to socialize with new people! 

Children ages 10 - 13 are welcome but are required to bring an adult with them.

This month we'll be doing fiber arts! Make a pair of earrings using the lost art of bargello! Bargello was big in the 60's and 70's, and features needlepoint patterns using yarn and plastic canvas. Artists like Brett Bara at Hello Bargello are bringing it back in a modern (and super cute) way!




The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.

Participant Age

To ensure a successful experience in this program and socialization with one’s peers, age limits are enforced. 

Registration Encouraged

We encourage you to register for this program, but it is not required.